2023 Research Fellowships at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture


The Virginia Museum of History & Culture (VMHC) offers research fellowships of up to three weeks a year to promote the interpretation of Virginia and access to its collections. Thanks to a matching grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and generous gifts from individuals, fellowships carry a weekly stipend of $1,000 and $500 for local mileage. A week is defined as five days in the Mr. and Mrs. E. Claiborne Robins, Jr. Research Library, which is open 10am to 5pm, Monday through Saturday. The deadline for applications is Friday, January 27, 2023. For information about the research fellowships and how to apply for 2023, please visit the following page on the VMHC website: https://virginiahistory.org/research/research-resources/research-support


Contact Info:


Dr. James Brookes, Melanie Trent De Schutter Library Director

Virginia Museum of History & Culture

P.O. Box 7311

Richmond, VA 23221-0311


Telephone: 804.342.9663



The European Association for American Studies announces a new 15,000 EUR Scholars-at-Risk grant program. We will be offering grants of up to 2,000 EUR to scholars working within the field of American Studies who find themselves in a situation of precarity. Given the life threatening nature of war, in the 2022 edition of the grant, priority will be given to scholars with Ukrainian citizenship.  


The grant is intended to cover expenses related to travel and research stay at a foreign institution or related to home-based digital access to archives and other scholarly materials.


To apply for the EAAS Scholars-at-Risk Grant, an applicant needs to fill in this application form, describing their proposed projects which can be related to their research, teaching at a university in one of European countries and aiming at establishing new academic initiatives between the grantee and their host institution in Europe. The application has to include an estimated budget. Applicants seeking travel grants to foreign institutions are expected to submit an invitation issued by the host institution; applicants seeking funds for a home-based digital access to archives and other materials, are expected to submit a recommendation letter from their home institution.


EAAS cannot help the applicants in arranging visas for the countries in which their host institution is. 


An applicant can apply for this scholarship once per year.


The grants will be awarded three times per year. The deadline for applications for 2022 are: June 30, September 1, November 15. 


Please send the application form (with all the necessary documents included) by email attachment to the address: aleksandra.izgarjan@ff.uns.ac.rs.

Dartmouth Summer Institute Scholarship 2022 


The UCD Clinton Institute is offering a scholarship  for one PhD/early career scholar to attend the Future of American Studies Summer Institute in Dartmouth College 20–26th June 2022

Application Procedure:

  • Applicants must be a registered member of the IAAS (Irish Association for American Studies). For details on membership, visit here.

Applicants should submit:

  1. A summary of their current research/thesis, including comment on the work they hope to advance through participation at the Summer Institute (max 500 words)
  2. A writing sample (max 5,000 words)
  3. CV

The Scholarship will cover the cost of a return flight to Boston, internal travel from the airport to Dartmouth College and the registration fee for the week (which includes accommodation).

Applications should be sent to Catherine Carey (catherine.carey@ucd.ie) and should arrive no later than the 1st April 2022


The IAAS Postgraduate Symposium
“The Land of the (Un)Free: Interrogating Democracy in America”
University College Cork
rd  November, 2019

This year, the Irish Association for American Studies Postgraduate Symposium welcomes proposals for papers that interrogate Democracy in America – in how it is constructed, understood, and the extent to which it is successfully enacted. Inspired by current events and political trends within the United States, from the strict abortion laws imposed in Alabama in February, to the on-going humanitarian crisis at the U.S.- Mexico Border, we seek papers that engage with and respond to the paradoxical relationship between the American ideal of democracy, and the actual practice of that democracy. We invite papers that consider the gulf between democratic principles and fundamentally unconstitutional behaviours, with a particular emphasis placed upon undemocratic and authoritarian actions that have both historically shaped America and continue to resurge in the Trump era.


“The Land of the (Un)Free: Interrogating Democracy in America” is a one-day interdisciplinary symposium that seeks to provide an opportunity for Postgraduate Students and Early Career Scholars to share their ideas and contribute their individual voices to the inclusive academic community of American Studies across the island of Ireland.


We welcome proposals for fifteen-minute papers which engage with the concept of democracy within the field of American Studies, encompassing Continental American perspectives (Canada and South America) as well as those related to the United States. Proposed topics may include, but are by no means limited to:


  • Representations of American democracy, American people, and American culture in literature and film
  • Historical insights and social/political considerations regarding democracy and attacks on democracy, political polarization and democracy
  • New perspectives on Alexis De Tocqueville’s Democracy in America 
  • The relationship between American exceptionalism and democracy
  • Philosophical conceptions of democracy and their application in the U.S. context
  • Explorations of democracy in American music, comics, popular culture
  • Issues of gender, sexuality, class & race in relation to American democracy
  • Democracy in visual culture


The deadline for submissions is Monday, 30th September 2019. Proposals for papers should include a title, an abstract (max. 300 words), and a short biography. For more information, or to submit a proposal, please email postgrad@iaas.ie

Throughout the history of the United States, various media have been employed as mediums of national and international communication. From presidents, to journalists, to civil rights organisations and beyond, visual, textual, and sound media have provided modes by which groups and individuals have conveyed their ideas, beliefs, and understandings about the U.S. Whether it be books, photographs, paintings, music, films, or a president’s ramblings on Twitter, conflicting and complimentary forms of media have helped make meaning of the “American experience.”

Throughout the centuries, events occurring within the United States have captured the attention of both domestic and overseas audiences. Neo-colonial expansion, the Black Freedom Struggle, and America’s wars – along with contemporary issues including Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, and anti-abortion legislation – have inspired local, country-wide, and transnational commentary. Different media genres have played and continue to play a vital role in the diffusion of news and opinions to the nation and to the world. In the fitting setting of the British Library – which houses collections ranging from George III’s personal library, to multi-media sources such as image and sound archives – this conference seeks to understand how the United States has been communicated across mediums and across borders.

The 2019 BAAS Postgraduate Conference invites participants from all disciplines and fields to explore media forms produced by and about America and Americans, both historically and in the present day. How has the United States been described to itself and to the world, and how have internal and overseas citizens responded? How have scholars, activists, politicians, soldiers, or artists sought to represent themselves through different mediums? How have media cultures been utilised by social movements as an agent of change or for the status quo? How has the digital age altered America’s relationship with media forms? What is the role of international actors and networks in cultivating the image of America? This conference invites an interdisciplinary approach to the employment of media as a mode of communication.

Potential topics for papers and panels include, but are not limited to:

  • Print and visual culture
  • Theatre, music, and performance
  • Film and television
  • Journalism and photojournalism
  • Digital and social medias
  • Race and racism
  • Ethnicity, migration, and diaspora
  • Protest, activism, and social movements
  • Dynamics of gender, sex, and sexuality
  • Issues of class and labour
  • Domestic and international identities
  • Images and imaginings of America
  • Indigenous communities
  • Religion and belief
  • Environmental and climate studies
  • Memory, memorialisation, and commemoration
  • Vast Early America

Abstracts for individual papers should be no more than 300 words. Panel proposals should include details of each individual paper, along with a panel description. All submissions are to include the speaker’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, and a short biographical profile. The deadline for submissions is Sunday 8th September. Please submit all applications to baaspgrconference2019@gmail.com

BAAS is dedicated to fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. We will give preference to panels that reflect the diversity of our field in terms of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and institutional affiliation. Historically women have been disproportionately underrepresented on panels and BAAS is taking positive action, as permitted under s.158 Equality Act 2010, to enable and encourage the participation of women. For this reason all-male panel proposals will not be accepted. BAAS may constitute an all-male panel or other presentation where absolutely necessary (but any such consideration will be other than via the call for papers procedure).

Travel bursaries will be available along with subsidies to support your own childcare provision. Please complete the funding application form, and submit it along with your proposal, if you wish to be considered.

Follow us on Twitter: @baaspgr2019

Call for Papers: The Heidelberg Centre for American Studies

The 17th HCA Spring Academy on American Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics and Religion will be held from March 23-27, 2020. The HCA invites applications for this one-week annual conference that provides twenty international PhD students with the opportunity to present and discuss their PhD subjects.


The HCA Spring Academy will also offer participants the chance to work closely in their respective fields of study. For this purpose, workshops held by visiting scholars will be held throughout the week.


We encourage applications that range broadly across the arts, humanities and social sciences and pursue an interdisciplinary approach. Papers can be presented on any subject related to the study of the United States of America. Possible topics include American identity, issues of ethnicity, gender, transatlantic relations, U.S. domestic and foreign policy, economics, as well as various aspects of American history, literature, religion, geography, law, musicology, and culture.


Participants are requested to prepare a 20 minute presentation of their research project, which will be followed by a 40 minute discussion. Proposals should include a preliminary title and run to no more than 300 words. These will be arranged into ten panel groups.


In addition to cross-disciplinary and international discussions during the panel sessions, the Spring Academy aims to create a a pleasant collegial atmosphere for further scholarly exchange and contact.


Accommodation will be provided by the Heidelberg Centre for American Studies.


Thanks to a small travel fund, the Spring Academy is able to subsidise travel expenses for participants registered and residing in developing and soft-currency countries. Scholarship applicants will need to document the necessity for financial aid, and explain how they plan to cover any potentially remaining expenses. In addition, a letter of recommendation from their doctoral supervisor is required.


Start of Application Process: 15th August 2019

Deadline for Applications: 15th November 2019

Selections will be made by: January 2020

Please use our online application system: www.hca-springacademy.de


For more information, please see www.hca.uni-heidelberg.de

For further questions: ibahmann@hca.uni-heidelberg.de

Terra Foundation for American Art

2019 Academic Awards, Fellowships & Grants


A wide range of Terra Foundation academic awards, fellowships, and grants help scholars in the field of American art realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of the art of the United States up to 1980.



Terra Summer Residency in Giverny, France


Research Travel Grants to the United States


International Research Travel Grants for US-based Scholars


International Essay Prize & Publication Grants


Visiting Professorships & Teaching Fellowships


Research Fellowships at the Smithsonian American Art Museum


Research Fellowships in Europe at the American Academy in Rome, Paul Mellon Centre, and Institut national d’histoire de l’art


Academic Workshop & Symposium Grants



For more information about deadlines, eligibility, and application procedures for each of these programs, please visit:www.terraamericanart.org/academic-awards.

The Eccles Centre for American Studies invites applications from researchers from any disciplinary or creative background to spend time exploring the British Library’s North American collections.

We are keen to hear from all kinds of serious researchers who have the potential to produce something new, exciting, challenging and different as a result of their research into the Canadian, US or Caribbean collections of the Library.

We therefore welcome not only applicants from academic backgrounds working on scholarly research, but also from creative practitioners working on artistic and cultural projects. This means that research towards a doctoral degree, an academic monograph or article, creative non-fiction, a poetry collection, a theatre production, a body of painting or sculpture, a new fashion collection…all these kinds of projects and more will be considered. Funding is available to individuals based in the UK, Europe, Canada, the United States and the greater Caribbean.

Details on how to apply are available on the Eccles Centre website. The deadline for receipt of applications is 17:00 GMT on 4 January 2019.

If you’re interested in this Fellowship programme but are unsure if it’s right for you, please get in touch and someone from the Eccles team can advise. Please also spread the word, and if you do send in an application, good luck!

Start-up Grant of the Doctoral Program Literary Studies

The Doctoral Program Literary Studies of the University of Basel calls for applications for three one-year
start-up grants of CHF 30,000 each (duration: 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020, in two installments, with
evaluation), starting 1 April 2019. These grants are designed to make a contribution to the successful
applicants’ cost of living while they develop a PhD project in the area of literary studies. We particularly
encourage projects that intersect with the thematic foci (“Basis- und Profilbereiche”) of the Doctoral
Program. Furthermore, we strongly encourage all applicants to contact potential supervisors at the University
of Basel before submitting their application.

Your tasks
The aim of the start-up grants is to enable young researchers to develop a competitive application for a research grant or research project position and submit it to a funding institution by the end of the first six months. If successful, researchers will continue to work on their PhD thesis supported by third-party funds by the end of the start-up period.

Your profile
A high level of motivation is expected, with the ability to carry out a research project independently over the course of several years as an active member of the Doctoral Program Literary Studies and to contribute to academic debates both within and outside the Doctoral Program Literary Studies. The grants are intended for graduates who hold a Master’s degree or an equivalent qualification in one or several philologies, and who are interested in carrying out research within the fields of study represented in the Doctoral Program Literary
Studies: https://dslw.philhist.unibas.ch/de/forschungsprofil/

Application / Contact
Deadline for applications: 9 December 2018

Please supply the following documents electronically (in one single PDF) to the coordinator at the Doctoral Program Literary Studies, Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi (dok-lit@unibas.ch):
1. Letter of motivation
2. CV (including a list of publications, where applicable)
3. Outline of the dissertation project (max. 6 pages)
4. Degree certificate (MA degree or equivalent)
5. One or two text samples (incl. master thesis or equivalent, max. 30 pages)
6. Letter of recommendation

Applications can be submitted in German, French, or English. Applicants who are about to complete their studies can apply, provided that they can submit an official graduation certificate no later than 9 February 2019. Applications from doctoral students already enrolled at other institutions or from candidates who already have a PhD will not be considered. Holders of a start-up grant must enrol as PhD students at the University of Basel. For further information on the application procedure, see the information sheet (in German only):

Decision: by the end of February 2019
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the coordinator of the Doctoral Program, Dr. Dr. Christian Hänggi (dok-lit@unibas.ch).

The Graduate School of North American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin invites applications for the academic year 2019/2020. Applicants for the three-year doctoral program must have a completed degree (M.A. or equivalent) in one of the following or related fields:
American/Canadian Cultural Studies, American/Canadian Literature, Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology.

Up to 6 doctoral grants of up to 1,350 € per month will be awarded by the DFG and the Graduate School Scholarship Programme of the DAAD. In addition, doctoral memberships (Promotionsplätze) are available for candidates who already have PhD funding.

Deadline: November 30, 2018

Further information on the application process and our doctoral program can be obtained on our website at: