From 2012, the IAAS is introducing a new scheme open to postdoctoral and early career members of the IAAS to assist with research and/or travel requirements (e.g. visits to archives, travel to conferences). The resources available, while modest, are aimed at making the difference between a successful applicant being able to travel to an archive or attend a conference, and not. It is envisaged that grants will be supplemented by funds from other sources. The maximum monies available under this scheme each year will be €500. (Unclaimed monies in any year will be added to the available funds for the following calendar year.)
While there is no specific time limit for the duration of the award, the funds should be exhausted within the calendar year. It is not intended that the award should be used to supplement or extend much longer-term awards.
Applications are invited from persons normally resident in Ireland or Northern Ireland, and from early career scholars (those in the first three years after the successful completion of the Ph.D.) currently working at universities and institutions of higher education. All applicants MUST be IAAS members. Preference will be given to those who have had no previous opportunities for research-related visits to the USA, and to young scholars, including postdoctoral students. IAAS particularly welcomes applications from postgraduates needing to visit the USA for research purposes.
Upon completion of their research and/or travel to the USA, successful recipients will submit a brief report detailing how long they were in America, which resources they accessed, libraries and archives that they visited etc., for publication on the IAAS website.
Download the application form
IAAS Postdoctoral Award