Deadline for submissions: November 15, 2017
Full name / name of organization: Michael Y. Bennett/Editor, New Perspectives in Edward Albee Studies book series
Contact email: bennettm@uww.edu
Call for Submissions for Volume Three of New Perspectives in Edward Albee Society, the Official Publication of the Edward Albee Society. (Published annually by Brill from which Volume One, Edward Albee and Absurdism, is now available)
Topic: Edward Albee as Dramatic and Theatrical Innovator
We are seeking essays that explore Albee’s plays for innovations in theatrical style, dramatic structure, creation of great characters (from both a performance and observation of human behavior perspective), and subject matter (e.g., mistreatment of the elderly, reversal of gender roles in conventional marriage, death and dying).
In addition, we welcome essays that explore Albee’s innovative work in a variety of roles and venues other than as author of plays produced in theaters, for example:
• The Last Frontier Conference in Alaska
• The William Flanagan Memorial Creative Persons Center (The Edward Albee Foundation)
• Albee’s teaching at the Universities of Houston and Princeton, and his visits to colleges and
universities to participate in conferences or give talks, and mentorship of student playwrights
• His directing plays other than his own (e.g., Beckett)
• His mentoring at Signature Theatre and Cherry Lane Theatre
• His international engagement as an ambassador of PEN and International Theatre Institute
• His curating of art exhibits, and support of specific visual artists (and artists of any type)
We encourage submissions from graduate students as well as established scholars or theatre professionals from any approach (e.g., theatre history, performance studies, literary theory and criticism), as well as those who have worked with Mr. Albee in any of the above activities.
Please contact either/both of the Editors, David Crespy (CrespyD@missouri.edu) and Lincoln Konkle (konkleli@tcnj.edu) for queries, proposals, and/or submissions. For submission guidelines, please see the general call for submissions on the Edward Albee Society website:
Deadline of submission for completed manuscripts: November 15, 2017.