The Prizes Subcommittee of the IAAS is delighted to announce the winner of this year’s WTM Riches Essay Prize. Colin Wheatley of the School of English, Drama and Film at University College Dublin has been selected as the overall winner for his essay entitled “Detecting Ethnicity: Lieutenant Columbo’s Hunt for Italian Heritage in ‘Any Old Port in a Storm’.”

The Subcommittee also awarded Honorable Mentions to Cait Neylon (Gender, Sexuality, and Culture, UCD) for her essay “The Alterity of Cuteness in Two Contemporary US Sitcoms” and Freyja Simone Quigley (School of Languages, Literature and Culture, UCC) for her essay on “Pat Mora and Poetic Curanderisma: Recovering Chicanisma through Poetry.”

The WTM Riches Essay Prize is awarded annually for outstanding work in any area of American Studies by undergraduate students and students in the first year of postgraduate studies. More information, including past winners, can be found here.