Applications are invited for the Mellon Research Fellowship in American History, based in central Cambridge. The Fellowship is for one year in the first instance, starting on 1 October 2015 and is renewable for two additional years. This is a post-doctoral Fellowship and it is expected that candidates will either have completed, or be about to complete, a PhD dissertation. Appointments will be made on the Research Assistant (£24,775 – £28,695) or Research Associate (£28,965 -£37,394) salary scale.
Candidates for this post will be expected to demonstrate that they have undertaken research that is original and innovative and that will, when published, make a substantial contribution to American history. They will also be expected to demonstrate an interest in contributing to the promotion of American history at Cambridge. The post is open to applicants working in every part of the American history field.
The Fellowship is designed to enable a scholar to make significant progress in turning his/her PhD dissertation into a book, and to conceptualise a second research project. The Mellon Research Fellow will be asked to write an annual report on research undertaken. He or she will be expected to become a regular participant in and contributor to the Cambridge American History Seminar and to make a presentation to the seminar at some point during his/her tenure. The postholder will also be expected to convene the American History Graduate Student Workshop. Some teaching duties may be included.
To apply online for this vacancy, please click on the ‘Apply’ button below. This will route you to the University’s Web Recruitment System, where you will need to register an account (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.
Applications should include a statement of proposed research, a curriculum vitae and a sample of written work of approximately 10,000 words (such as a journal article or section of a book or dissertation) as well as details of three referees who have knowledge of the candidate’s work. Unless otherwise indicated referees will be contacted on receipt of application and asked to submit their reports by the closing date.
Further details and information about the application process for this post may be made to the Faculty’s HR Clerk, Mrs Joanne Pearson (e-mail: jobs@hist.cam.ac.uk, telephone: 01223 335350). Informal enquiries regarding the position may also be made to Professor Gary Gerstle atglg34@cam.ac.uk or Dr. Andrew Preston at amp33@cam.ac.uk.
Once an offer of employment has been accepted, the successful candidate will be required to undergo a health assessment.
Please quote reference JJ06289 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
For more detailed information on the position please click here.