A biannual print and on-line publication of the American Studies Association of Turkey (ASAT), the Journal of American Studies of Turkey (JAST) operates with a double-blind peer review system and publishes work in English by scholars of any nationality on American literature, history, art, music, film, popular culture, institutions, politics, economics, geography and related subjects. The Editorial Board welcomes articles which cross conventional borders between academic disciplines, as well as comparative studies of America and other cultures. The journal also publishes notes, comments, interviews, and book reviews.

The Journal of American Studies of Turkey has been indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, and the American Humanities Index since the publication of its first issue in 1995, and in the MLA Directory of Periodicals since 1999.

All manuscripts should follow MLA Style and be double-spaced (including notes and Works Cited) in Times New Roman 12 point font. Articles should be approximately 6,000 to 8,000 words in length. Submissions should be sent as attachment (RTF or DOC) to the e-mail addresses below. No material will be considered for publication if it is currently under consideration by another journal or press or if it has been published, or is soon to be published, elsewhere.

The deadline for our Spring 2018 issue is November 1, 2017. Please direct all correspondence to:

Özlem Uzundemir
Çankaya University, Ankara

Berkem Gürenci Sağlam
Çankaya University, Ankara

American Studies Association of Turkey