CFP: Ex-Centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media

The Hellenic Association for American Studies (HELAAS) in cooperation with the Department of American Literature and Culture of the School of English of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece, is launching an electronic multi/interdisciplinary open access, refereed journal with the titleEx-centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media (Ex-Na).The journal addresses academics, scholars and graduate students engaging in the interdisciplinary study of Anglophone literatures, cultures and media and will be published once a year.

Journal Chief Editors:

Dr. Tatiani Rapatzikou (Associate Professor, AUTh)
Dr. Smatie Yemenedzi-Malathouni (Associate Professor, AUTh) Dr. Theodora Tsimpouki (Professor, University of Athens)

Call for Abstracts


Issue Guest Editors:

Francisco A. Lomelí

Prof. Spanish and Portuguese & Chicana/o Studies University of California, Santa Barbara or

Juan Ignacio Oliva

Professor of Postcolonial Anglophone Literatures University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Canaries

Emmanouilidou Sophia

Teaching Fellow, American Literature

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Identity Broodings and Inter-Referential Pathways in Chicana/o Culture

The Chicano Movement (El Movimiento) in the late 1960s signaled the flow of multiple Chicana/o cultural expressions notably associated with an intricate matrix of socio-political claims for self-empowerment. Pledging to enhance the inter-referential connection(s) between the community’s subversive tactics and the vast cosmos of dispossessed groupings across the globe, Chicana/o writers, artists and thinkers have undertaken to decipher the enigmas of being-in-the-world by making visible numerous enveloping discourses of appropriation. For instance, the Mexican American literary canon unyieldingly resonates what Chela Sandoval schematic proposes a “differential consciousness” against the backdrop of supremacy, capitalism, internal colonialism and personal/communal encroachment. This special volume of Ex-centric Narratives: Journal of Literature, Culture and Media (Ex-Na) aims to explore the complex ways in which Chicanas/os untangle the conundrums of self-identity, illuminate the transnational viability of the borderlands metaphor and seek the dialogic potential in the rite to oppositional praxis. Papers are welcomed focusing on Chicano/o culture and the topics highlighted below:

  • Chicana/o self-consciousness (consciencia)
  • The political unconscious in Mexican American culture
  • Landscapes, cityscape and identity formation
  • The spatio-temporal dialectic
  • Hierarchies, confrontations and dispositions
  • Individuation vis-à-vis collectivization
  • The re-invention of Chicana/o literature

All abstracts must be received by the deadline of Friday September 14, 2018. The length of the abstract should be between 150-180 words.

Your abstract submission should include:

Author contact information Affiliated institution Keywords (4-5)

Please send your emails to:


Interculturalism and transculturalism

The poetics and politics of cultural identity

  • Transnationalism and the inter-reference potential
  • Differential and/or oppositional consciousness
  • Borderlands, liminalities and transgressions

Francisco A. Lomelí Juan Ignacio Oliva
Sophia Emmanouilidou

Expected date for publication of Ex-Centric Narratives, Issue no.3, December 2019.