Rothermere American Institute Visiting Fellowships
The Rothermere American Institute invites applications for Visiting Fellowships for 2014-15.
RAI Visiting Fellows pursue research on diverse aspects of American history, politics and culture in the Vere Harmsworth Library’s outstanding collections of American materials and elsewhere at Oxford University, write books and articles, and engage in the Institute’s lively community of scholarship.
The Institute offers the following categories of visiting fellowship:
• Senior Visiting Research Fellowship (SVRF) tenable for one academic year
• Postdoctoral Visiting Research Fellowships (PVRF) tenable for one term
• Associate Visiting Research Fellowships (AVRF) tenable for one academic year
• Vacation Visiting Research Fellowships (VVRF) tenable for one academic year
For details of each visiting fellowship and how to apply please visit: http://www.rai.ox.ac.uk/fellows/apply
The deadline for applications is Monday 3rd March 2014 at noon.