University of Birmingham – School of History and Cultures
Location: Birmingham
Salary: £39,324 to £46,924 With potential progression once in post to £52,793 a year.
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed on: 11th November 2016
Closes: 11th December 2016
Job Ref: 54865
We are looking for a historian to extend our expertise in the history of the United States, in particular for the 20th century. Within these temporal parameters the thematic and chronological expertise are open, though candidates’ research should be well situated within the context of global history, and should ideally complement our strengths in two or more of the following key research areas for the School: imperialism, transnationalism and diasporas; war, conflict and cooperation; history of religions, beliefs and ideas; everyday life and popular culture; environment; political cultures, material culture.
The appointment would be expected to consolidate and expand our UG teaching provision, expand PGT and PGR recruitment and work with one or more of our research centres to bolster History’s research strength. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to courses at undergraduate levels C, I and H (i.e. First, Second and Final years) in History and to contribute to our postgraduate programmes (where appropriate). As part of her/his undergraduate remit, the successful candidate will be expected to provide an Option and Special Subject on their broad subject of expertise, as well as contribute to core modules on modern history more generally. The successful candidate will also be asked in due course to undertake administrative duties within the Department, School or College. S/he will be expected to participate in our plans for the REF and in helping to increase our postgraduate recruitment, ideally contributing to the further development of the MA in Contemporary History and/or MA in Global History.
The History department at Birmingham was ranked number one out of all UK History departments by the REF2014 national research audit. It is home to a lively and supportive research environment, and a community of scholars dedicated to scholarly excellence. Beyond the department, the School of History and Cultures and the College of Arts and Law encourage interdisciplinary collaboration in teaching and research, while retaining departmental identities for staff and students.
There are opportunities in the School of History and Cultures with respect to:
developing and consolidating existing research interests within the School of History and Cultures, both individually and with others, with a view to publication of high-quality research
initiating and participating in broader, cross-School initiatives, both multi-/inter-disciplinary and with historians working in other Schools of the College of Arts and Law, and/or with colleagues in the College of Social Sciences)
contributing to existing undergraduate courses (special subjects and more generally) and development of both new courses and programmes,
taking a full part in the consolidation and development of postgraduate work, building on initiatives developed by our Centres (e.g., the MA in Contemporary History; MA in Renaissance, Reformation and Early Modern Studies; MA in Medieval Studies; MA in Global History; MA in West Midlands History; MA Modern British Studies).
Administration and Career development:
learning about and participating in the organisation and management of a varied and dynamic section in one of Britain’s largest redbricks.
opportunities to develop administrative and organisational skills in professional terms
To download the details and submit an electronic application online please click on the Apply Online button below; please quote Job Reference in all enquiries. Alternatively information can be obtained from 0121 415 9000 or visit www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs.
“Valuing excellence; sustaining investment.”