Deadline for submissions: January 1, 2017
Full name / name of organization: Thoreau Society
Contact email:
American Literature Association panel
28th Annual Conference, Boston, MA
May 25 – 28, 2017
Thoreau, Poetry, Poetics
As recent work by poets such as Christina Davis (An Ethic, Nightboat, 2013) and Cecily Parks (O’Nights, Alice James Books, 2015) makes clear, Thoreau has been an important source for contemporary American poetics. This poetic interest in Thoreau is especially interesting given the relatively scant scholarly attention Thoreau’s own poetry has received. Where might we locate a Thoreauvian poetics? Does Thoreau’s poetry correspond to it? This panel invites both papers that consider Thoreau’s poetry and papers that explore the role of Thoreau’s writing in American poetics more broadly. Please send queries or one-page abstracts (for an 18-minute presentation) by January 1, 2017 to: