The Eleventh Annual International Whitman Week Seminar and Symposium TU
Dortmund University, Germany, 28 May – 3 June, 2018
The Transatlantic Walt Whitman Association (TWWA) invites students, researchers, and Whitman enthusiasts to participate in its 11th annual Whitman Week, consisting of a Seminar for students interested in Whitman and Whitman’s poetry, and a Symposium bringing together international
scholars and graduate students. Students will have an opportunity to confront Whitman’s books, share their readings of key poems and clusters, and discuss Whitman’s cohesive representation of human relations and his work’s international significance. Afternoon translation workshops will focus on the reception of Whitman in different languages. The team of international instructors of this year’s seminar include Jeanne Cortiel (Bayreuth), Betsy Erkkila (Northwestern), Ed Folsom (U Iowa) and Christine Gerhardt (Bamberg). Applications for the seminar should include a curriculum vitae, a one-page statement of interest, and a short letter of support from an instructor who knows the applicant well should be submitted by e-mail to the Dortmund organizers, Walter Grünzweig (walter.gruenzweig@udo.edu), and Laura Kost
(laura.kost@udo.edu) by February 1, 2018.