Ninth Biennial Conference of the
Swedish Association for American Studies (SAAS)
Gothenburg, September 30 – October 1, 2016
Call for Papers
The Swedish Association for American Studies (SAAS) will hold its 9th conference in Gothenburg on September 30 – October 1, 2016. Confirmed plenary speakers are Dag Blanck, Birgit Spengler and Marita Sturken.
For the occasion of its 9th conference, SAAS invites all scholars working in the interdisciplinary field of American Studies to submit proposals for papers. We especially encourage prospective presenters to submit papers for the following panels:
- Understanding Supervillains
- Comics in America: The Big Two and their Shadows
- The Americans: Our Past and Present
- Reproducing Differently: Representations of Reproduction and Reproductive Technologies in North American Speculative Fiction
- The treatment of history in Canadian Literature
- Preserving U.S. History, Memorializing Shame
- The Neoliberal American Novel
- Teaching American literature in Sweden
For a full description of the panels and the contact details of the panel conveners, see the conference website (http://sprak.gu.se/forskning/konferenser/saas-2016). If you wish to submit a paper for one of the panels, please contact the panel conveners directly.
If you want to submit a paper that does not fit into any of the panels above, please send your proposal to Chloé Avril (chloe.avril@eng.gu.se)
We welcome submissions from junior and senior scholars on any topic related to the study of the United States and North America from both a historical and contemporary perspective. Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Anthropology
- Art
- Cultural Studies
- Film and Media Studies
- Gender Studies
- Literature
- Musicology
- Popular Culture
- Political Science
- Religion
- US or North American History
- Visual Culture
Deadline for paper proposals: February 15, 2016.
To submit a paper proposal, please provide the panel convener or the conference convener with a title for the paper, your name, email address and brief bio, and an abstract (200-250 words).
You may still submit a panel proposal, provided you already have three presenters enrolled. For panel proposals, please send us a title for the panel, the name, email address and brief bio of the panel convener, a description of the topic (200-500 words) as well the name, email, abstract and bio of each presenter. Panel submissions should be sent to the conference convener Chloé Avril (chloe.avril@eng.gu.se) by February 15, 2016.
SAAS is an academic network that encourages scholarship in the multidisciplinary field of American Studies. SAAS seeks to develop a critical understanding of the role, position and meaning of the United States and North America. In Sweden, research about the US/America is conducted in many different disciplines; the biennial SAAS conference thus functions as an important forum for interdisciplinary exchange and provides American Studies scholars with an opportunity to meet and network. (More information about our association can be found on our website: www.saasinfo.se)