Deadline for submissions: March 30, 2017
Full name/name of organization: Modernist Studies Association
Contact email:

“The natural object,” Pound writes, “is always the adequate symbol.” Nevertheless, Modernist literature is plotted along bodily representations that often seem far from the realities of their correlative “natural object.” This panel will consider the tension between Modernism’s representative strategies and the gendered objects that Modernist writers “graph,” focusing particularly on Modernist representations of female, queer, non-white, disabled, and otherwise marginalized bodies. How do the literary strategies of Modernist writers complicate, limit, or make space for bodies, or bodily functions, that might have been given a “Graphic Content Warning”? What is the relationship between Modernism’s innovative representational strategies and the “explicit”?

Please email a short personal bio and an abstract of no more than 350 words by March 30, 2017 to Alyssa Duck at