Deadline for submissions: January 19, 2017
Full name / name of organization: International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society
Contact email: mgf10@psu.edu
The F. Scott Fitzgerald Society (http://www.fscottfitzgeraldsociety.org/) invites proposals for papers to be presented at the 2017 American Literature Association in Boston, Massachusetts, 25-28.
The F. Scott Fitzgerald Society invites proposals for papers examining any aspect of Fitzgerald’s life and work that provides fresh insights.
Send 250-word abstract for a twenty-minute presentation to Maggie Gordon Froehlich at mgf10@psu.edu by ASAP. Please title your subject line “ALA Proposal [your last name]” and include in the body of your message a brief biographical sketch, your preferred e-mail address, and any AV equipment needs.
The American Literature Association’s 28th annual conference will meet at the Westin Copley Place in Boston on May 25-28, 2017 (Thursday through Sunday of Memorial Day weekend). The deadline for proposals is January 30, 2017. For further information, please consult the ALA website at www.americanliterature.org or contact the conference director, Professor Olivia Carr Edenfield at carr@georgiasouthern.edu with specific questions.