The David Thelen Award (formerly the Foreign Language Article Prize) is given biennially by the Organization of American Historians to the author of the best article on American history written in a foreign language. The winning article will be published in the Journal of American History. David Thelen was editor of the Journal of American History (1985–1999).

To be eligible, an article may have already been published (during January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018) or may be an original work that broadens the presentation of American history. The winning article will illustrate how the understanding of American history can be approached differently when it is conceived in the scholarly or public debates of a country other than the United States. Submissions should be interesting, compelling, and highlight a way of thinking or writing about the United States that offers a perspective most American readers rarely encounter. The award is open to roundtables, keynote addresses, conference papers, or other types of scholarship. The manuscript should be framed and communicated to people outside the U.S. and written in a language other than English.

Submission process:

Length: Equivalent to approximately 5,000-15,000 words when translated into English. Languages: Other than English

Please write a brief abstract (in English) explaining how the manuscript meets the criteria set out above.

Submission should be clearly labeled “2020 David Thelen Award Entry.” An electronic version of the manuscript should be sent to, and one hard copy of the manuscript should be mailed to the following address postmarked to arrive by May 1, 2019:

Benjamin H. Irvin,


2020 David Thelen Award Committee Executive Editor,

OAH/ Editor,

Journal of American History Journal of American History,
1215 East Atwater Avenue,

Bloomington IN 47401

The application should also include the following information:

*mailing address
*institutional affiliation
*fax number
*e-mail address
*language of submitted article

Copies of the article and application will be reviewed by contributing editors of the Journal of American History who are proficient in the language of the submission, as well as by referees (proficient in the language of the submitted article) who are experts on its subject matter.

The final decision will be made by the David Thelen Award Committee by February 2020. The winner will be provided with details regarding the OAH Annual Meeting and awards presentation, where she or he will receive a cash award to assist with the translation. The winning article will be printed in the Journal of American History.


For more information, visit the OAH website.