Deadline for submissions: July 1, 2017
Full name/name of organization: Jody Baumgartner, editor
Seeking contributors for ABC-CLIO’s two-volume forthcoming encyclopedia, “American Political Humor: Masters of Satire and Their Impact on U.S. Policy and Culture.” This two volume set, due out in the fall of 2019, will have a total of approximately 110 profiles, 2,000 words in length, of important individuals or media outlets (specific magazines, television shows, websites, and specific vehicles of political humor). These will be divided into 12 chronological chapters.
In exchange for agreeing to contribute, all authors will have complimentary e-book access to the set and an ABC-CLIO gift card worth $100 as a token of appreciation.
The complete list of the topics to be covered in the encyclopedia can be found at http://satire.jodyb.net (entries that are already “claimed” are in strike-out, italicized text).
If you are interested, send an email to ABCCLIOSATIRE@GMAIL.COM listing your choice(s) along with your contact information. Entries will be due December 30, 2017.
If you are not interested or unable to participate in this project, but know of someone who might be, please consider forwarding this call to them.