Institution Type: College / University
Location: District of Columbia, United States
Position: Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor of Early American History
The Department of History at The Catholic University of America seeks to fill a tenure-track assistant professorship in early American History to begin August 2017.
We seek candidates who understand, are enthusiastic about, and will make a significant contribution to the mission of the University as can be found here: https://www.cua.edu/about-cua/mission-statement.cfm.
Applications are welcome from historians working on any aspect of North America and its Atlantic connections before 1820. Background in and ability to teach digital humanities are desirable.
Application materials should be sent by email to historysearch@cua.edu and should include: letter of application, cv, transcript, chapter-length writing sample, three letters of recommendation, and a one- to two-page personal statement indicating how the candidate, through research, teaching, and service, would make a distinctive contribution to advancing the University’s mission and to the vision of Catholic education outlined in the Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities Ex corde ecclesiae, which can be found here: http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_constitutions/documents/hf_jp-ii_apc_15081990_ex-corde-ecclesiae.html
Review of applications will begin on November 14, with preliminary interviews to be conducted by Skype/Facetime after mid December and the possibility of in-person interviews at the American Historical Association meeting in January 2017.
The University will perform background checks on all new faculty hires prior to making the final offer of employment.
The Catholic University of America is an Equal Opportunity Employer.