New Wave Coming: 

An Emerging Academics’ Symposium

Trinity College, Dublin
Saturday, 22nd November, 2014


The IAAS is experiencing something of a Youth Movement, as evidenced by our recent surge in Postgraduate Membership, and the strength of Emerging Academics’ contributions at the recent Annual Conference. ‘New Wave Coming’ aims to provide a forum for emerging voices in the American Studies field in Ireland. Taking our lead from founding principles, this event will explore the ideas, and the ideology, of what, to quote Vernon Louis Parrington, is considered ‘traditionally American’.

Our Postgraduate Symposium this year is not governed by any specific theme or concept. Instead we invite you, our Postgraduate Students, to drive the discussion at this year’s event. We are interested to hear your innovative ideas about American Studies, across all disciplines. 

Contact IAASConference+PG@gmail.com for more information. 

For regular updates please follow @theIAAS on Twitter or join The Irish Association for American Studies Group on Facebook.
To join the online discussion please use #IAASPG14.

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