IAAS Call for Nominations for positions on the Executive Committee
The Irish Association for American Studies is calling for nominations for the following positions on the Executive Committee:
Postgraduate caucus co-chair
EAAS Representative
Ordinary member
Please note that in accordance with the ethos of the IAAS, the committee especially welcomes nominations for members from under-represented groups, backgrounds and ethnicities.
Ideally, we are looking for executive committee members who have experience and familiarity with our activities, ideals, and membership. There are many ways to get involved with the IAAS, and new members are very welcome at association events.
- Nominations must be made by a member or members of the IAAS
- Nominees must be members of the IAAS
- We accept self-nominations
- All executive committee members, aside from fulfilling duties specific to their role, will be expected to attend all IAAS committee meetings throughout the year (January, April [AGM], June, September, November [PGR conference])
- The positions will be elected by members of the IAAS during the AGM (30th April 2022)
- Please email your nominations or any queries to our Secretary Sarah McCreedy, at info@iaas.ie by 25th April 2022.
Postgraduate caucus co-chair general responsibilities
- Attendance at all IAAS committee meetings (January, April [AGM], June, September, November [PGR conference])
- Assistance with widening the reach of the IAAS via own networks
- Working with their fellow Postgraduate caucus co-chair to provide a report at committee meetings on activities and feedback from the Postgraduate members of the IAAS
- Running with their fellow co-chair the annual IAAS Postgraduate symposium (November).
- The term of the appointment is two years, renewable.
EAAS Representative general responsibilities
- Attendance at all IAAS committee meetings (January, April [AGM], June, September, November [PGR conference])
- Attendance at EAAS Board meetings as the IAAS representative to the Board with voting rights on behalf of the IAAS. Upcoming Board meetings: 2023 Debrecen, Hungary (30 March 2023, ahead of the Women’s Symposium); 2024 Munich, Germany (c.3/4 April 2024, ahead of 70th Anniversary EAAS Conference); 2025 Karlstad, Sweden (April, ahead of the Women’s Symposium); 2026 Bologna, Italy (ahead of the 2026 EAAS Conference)
- Each EAAS Board representative has a vote on EAAS policy issues and for candidacies for the 4 EAAS Officer positions
- Each EAAS Board representative from a national or regional association is eligible to stand for election to an Officer position: eligibility depends solely on being a national or regional association representative at the relevant EAAS Board
- Each EAAS Board representative receives a per diem of €100 for attending meetings
- Representatives to the EAAS Board can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms as their national or regional association representative
- The term of the appointment is four years, renewable.
Ordinary member general responsibilities
- Attendance at all IAAS committee meetings (January, April [AGM], June, September, November [PGR conference])
- Assistance with widening the reach of the IAAS via own networks
- Input into the workings, activities, and events of the IAAS (including attendance at/contribution to events where appropriate)
- The term of the appointment is two years, renewable.